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by Billiau Daniel


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30 reading and math exercises* Language 1 to language 6: being able to make 10 words on the basis of...

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30 reading and math exercises* Language 1 to language 6: being able to make 10 words on the basis of 10 pictures via a keyboard (azerty or qwerty choice). Word correct = 5 gold pieces added. Word wrong = 5 gold pieces less. Double click on help and you will see the words (read them all), 5 gold pieces less. 1x click to make help disappear or you cant go any further. To return to the main menu before the end, click 2x on home, then no result will be saved.* Calculating 1 PLUS bridge: 1st exercise is just looking and only filling in the outcome at the end. Click on start, look and enter the outcome + check (10 exercises). Click on the numbers.*Math 2 Plus bridge: 2nd exercise. Here you also have to fill in the intermediate results yourself. Click on the numbers.* Mathematics 3 Plus bridge: 3rd exercise: fill in everything without visual aid. Click on the numbers.* Math 4 MIN bridge: 1st exercise is only looking and only at the end fill in the outcome. Click on start, look and enter the outcome + check (10 exercises). Click on the numbers.* Calculating 5 MIN bridge: 2nd exercise. Here you also have to fill in the intermediate results yourself. Click on the numbers.* Math 6 MIN bridge: 3rd exercise: fill in everything without visual aid. Click on the numbers.* Language 7 to Language 9: Drag the 10 letters to the 10 words and create existing words. There is only 1 total solution. You can always restart by clicking on reset. Click on check.* Language 10: word search. Find the 10 words. Always start with the 1st letter of the word. If you are wrong click reset. Click on the letters.* Language 11: Make a new word under each of the 10 visible words. Restart = reset. Check = check. Drag the letters.* Language 12: Sleep exercise. Make words of 3, 4 or 5 letters (choose yourself). There are 20 words in each sequence. Make the words by swapping the letters (drag).* Language 13 to language 18: Click on start. Make existing words by dragging the letters (only 1 solution possible). Then click on check. You can always start the word again with reset, no gold loss. With help you get an extra letter (or lose gold). After check 1 letter disappears and a new letter is added. There are 10 words to make. The 1st 4 exercises have 4 letters, the last 2 have 5 letters.* Math 7 +or- exercise: make the exercise correct by changing the dot to + or – (click on the dot). Then click on check.* Mathematics 8 + to 20: click on start. Read the exercise and click on the correct flower.* Math 9 - to 20: click on start. Read the exercise and click on the correct flower.* Calculating 10 + to 20: click on start. The arrow has to go to the gold treasure through the maze. Follow the road from the arrow. Click on the 1st door you encounter. The arrow will automatically go to that door. Read the exercise below and solve it. The door disappears. Continue like this. There is also a disappearing and appearing opening. See thats how you get to the treasure. (only + bridge exercises).*Math 11 - to 20: click on start. The arrow has to go to the gold treasure through the maze. Follow the road from the arrow. Click on the 1st door you encounter. The arrow will automatically go to that door. Read the exercise below and solve it. The door disappears. Continue like this. There is also a disappearing and appearing opening. See thats how you get to the treasure. (only - bridge exercises).* Math 12 +or- to 20: you can choose from 3 types of exercises, a+b=., a+.=b, .+a=b (also – phew). Solve the exercises by clicking on the numbers. Always click on check. You can change the type by clicking on reset option. If you click on reset at the top, you start everything again. Results are saved from 20 exercises made.